Best master theses – Norway/NTNU 2020

Best master theses – Norway/NTNU 2020
Published: 3. March 2021
Mohamed Ismail and Andres Felipe Mondragon Clavijo, two students of the EMECS cohort 2018-2020, got honored for their EMECS Master Theses with two prestigious awards in the field of Embedded Computing Systems in Norway.
FPGA-Forum Award – Mohamed Ismail

The “FPGA-forums pris for beste FPGA-relaterte masteroppave” (FPGA-forum’s award for the best FPGA-based master thesis) is a yearly event for the Norwegian FPGA community from industry and academia. Each year they give an award for the best master thesis from a Norwegian University with a focus on FPGA. It consists of a diploma and a "check" of 10,000 Norwegian Kroner and the possibility of presenting his or her work at FPGA-forum. For 2020, the winner is EMECS-student Mohamed Ismail for the dissertation “HW/SW Co-design Implementation of Hyperspectral Image Classification Algorithm”. The thesis work has been supervised by Associate Professor Milica Orlandic at the Circuit and Radio Systems Group at IES.
For this award more information can be found at:
Microelectronics Award – Andres Felipe Mondragon Clavijo

The renowned “Mikroelektronikkprisen” (Microelectronics award) is awarded to the student at the Department of Electronics Systems (IES), NTNU, who, in the past year, has submitted the best master's thesis in microelectronics including design methodology, design tools, modeling, realization and testing of microelectronic circuits and systems. It is given in collaboration between the microelectronics industry in Norway and the trade magazine Elektronikk and consists of a diploma and a "check" of 15,000 Norwegian Kroner. The winner is also invited to write an article about her or his work in Elektronikk. The jury has decided that the award for 2020 goes to EMECS-student Andres Mondragon Clavijo for his dissertation "Distributed acoustic acquisition with low-cost embedded systems". The thesis work has been supervised by Professor Guillaume Dutilleux at the Acoustics Group at IES. This is a good example of how microelectronics and embedded systems find their use in many different disciplines.