Admission requirements

Required degree

The applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree (or equivalent) in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or a related program. At the time of application preliminary transcripts are accepted. Final transcripts must be provided upon enrollment.

The grade average of the previous study should prove high qualification of the applicant. This will normally be the case for a grade average of ‘B’ or better in terms of the ECTS grading scale.

English language

Applicants need to prove that they have sufficient fluency in English. We normally ask for IELTS 6.5 overall with at least 6.0 in each competency. This corresponds to a TOEFL iBT result with a score of about 95 out of 120. For information on accepted English language tests, please visit

The proof of English proficiency is required even when the language of instruction for the previous education was English. However, for nationals of countries listed under this link the proof of language proficiency is waived.

Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

Taking the GRE test is recommended but not mandatory. The GRE code number of the University of Kaiserslautern is 7143.

Motivation letter

The applicant must show that he/she is well motivated for the Embedded Computing Systems programme by writing a short letter of motivation of about one page.

Recomendation letters

The application must be supported by two letters of recommendation from university professors or employers.

Further documents

For more details about the application process and required documents please visit Apply Now.

Credit: Jan von Allwörden/DAAD

Apply now

Application process

  • Unfortunately, EMECS will not admit new students in Fall 2025.

  • Students interested in studying Embedded Computing Systems with us are invited to apply for our local master programs, as given in the below box.

Studying Embedded Computing Systems at the EMECS Universities

Each EMECS partner university continues to offer its curriculum in Embedded Computing Systems in its local program. Some of these programs are free of tuition!

Apply now

Application process

  • Unfortunately, EMECS will not admit new students in Fall 2025.

  • Students interested in studying Embedded Computing Systems with us are invited to apply for our local master programs, as given in the below box.

Studying Embedded Computing Systems at the EMECS Universities

Each EMECS partner university continues to offer its curriculum in Embedded Computing Systems in its local program. Some of these programs are free of tuition!

  • RPTU Kaiserslautern, Germany:

  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway:

  • University of Southampton, UK:

  • Politecnico Di Torino, Italy: 

Application form

In order to apply for EMECS you need to create an account and fill your appli­cation in our online appli­cation platform. You can also apply for a scholar­ship on the same application platform. No separate scholar­ship application is needed.

Along with the appli­cation form the following documents must be provided:

  • Personal details

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Proof of nationality (copy of passport). Candidates with multiple nationalities should decide at application stage under which nationality they are applying

  • Copy of university degree(s) e.g. Bachelor/Master degree certificate (if available at the time of application, otherwise it needs to be presented upon enrollment)

  • Transcript of Records (stating which courses were taken and what grades were obtained at the time of application)

  • Translation of certificates and transcript of records (only if originals are not in English)

  • Motivation letter

  • Two recommendation letters from faculty staff or your employer (at least one should be from a faculty staff)

  • Proof of English Proficiency (e.g., IELTS) using a scanned copy of result sheet. The proof of English language proficiency is waived, however, for nationals of these countries.

  • GRE results (scanned copy of result sheet). Recommended but not mandatory

The TOEFL code number of TU Kaiserslautern is 7967. The GRE code number of the TU Kaiserslautern is 7143.

All documents are submitted electronically. However, the original documents and final certificates will be requested by the academic authorities before enrollment.

Our online application platform is closed.
The application deadline for the Fall intake 24/25 was January 31, 2024.

Evaluation process

All applications will be assessed by the EMECS selection committee. The selection will be based on the student’s profile and qualifications:

  • Academic records of previous studies

  • Scientific background

  • Ranking of academic institution where undergraduate studies were done

  • Motivation letter

  • Recommendation letters

  • English language

  • Acquired practical experience

  • Awards and grants

Important Notes

  • All applications have to be done online through the EMECS appli­cation platform. The platform will open again in October. News and updates on the appli­cation will get announced here. Only complete online appli­cations are eligible and can be assessed.

  • Selection results for all applicants will be announced via email in May.

  • Selected applicants have to confirm their acceptance within one week after receipt of selection result by sending the signed Declaration of Acceptance.

  • Visa application should be started as soon as you receive your admission letter. Don’t forget that 2 to 3 months are usually necessary to obtain a visa for Europe.

  • Applicants selected for EMECS, who only submitted preliminary certificates have to provide their final degree certificate upon enrollment.

  • Candidates selected for EMECS will have to bring all submitted and requested documents in original upon enrollment.

  • Scholarship holders will be asked to provide a proof of their current place of residence (e.g. residence certificate/certificate from candidates place of work, study or training) within one month after declaring their acceptance.

Credit: Jan von Allwörden/DAAD

Scholarship information

What does an EMECS Erasmus Mundus scholarship cover?

The student scholarship for the EMECS programme includes:

  • A scholarship tuition waiver: this covers the costs for programme tuition plus health insurance

  • A monthly living allowance amounting to 1,000 EUR for the entire duration of the EMECS programme (24 months): this allowance is dedicated to covering your living costs while studying in EMECS

  • A contribution to travel and installation costs: this is meant to support your travel and settling at an EMECS location (e.g., flight airfare and visa fees).

    The amount varies and is computed individually based on your country of residence.

Dear applicants,

besides the scholarships open to students from anywhere in the world, the EU also granted us scholarships for specific “target regions”. This is good news for students from those target countries from which we normally do not receive many applications. 

If you come from the following countries, feel especially encouraged to apply:

  • Wester Balkan: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro
  • EAST: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldavia, Ukraine
  • Asia Least Developed Countries: Afghanistan Bangladesh, Bhutan Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal
  • Asia others: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan

  • Latin America: Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay

Financial matters

Tuition fees

Details of tuition fees are as follows:

  • European students are charged 4.000 € per year (8.000 € in total).

  • Non-European students are charged 8.000 € per year (16.000 € in total).

Tuition fees only cover administrative fees and the academic costs of the programme. It does not include costs for living, housing and travel. Tuition fees should be paid in full before enrolling in studies. Note that all prospective EMECS students can apply for scholarships. Scholarship details can be found here.The scholarship is the same for EU and non-EU students.

Living costs in Kaiserslautern

The monthly cost of living for an unaccompanied individual in Kaiserslautern is estimated at 600 €/month. The city offers a high standard of living at a very reasonable cost. Depending on your life style the monthly costs can be estimated as follows:

  • Accommodation: ~ 230 €

  • Health insurance: ~ 80 €

  • Food: ~ 190 €

  • Clothing: ~ 50 €

  • Leisure time: ~ 50 €

  • Internet & phone: ~ 25 €

Your student visa will allow you to work up to 20 hours per week during term time. Part time work can provide you with extra money but it shouldn't interfere with your studies. Many students work as Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (HiWi) for the university or nearby research centres. You can expect a compensation of approx. 350 €/month for working 8 hours/week as a HiWi.

Living costs in Southampton

If you are unaccompanied, the cost of living is usually between £7.200 and £8.800 per academic year (about 670 £ monthly). This should cover accommodation, food and meals, daily travel in Southampton, books, stationery, dissertation preparation and other items. Some courses may require an extra expense for material, use of laboratory equipment and final project. Depending on your life style the monthly costs can be estimated as follows:

  • Accommodation: ~ 320 £

  • Health insurance: ~80 €

  • Food: ~180 £

  • Clothing: ~ 40 £

  • Leisure time: ~ 50 £

  • Internet & phone: ~ 30 £

Your student visa will allow you to work up to 20 hours per week during term time. Part time work can provide you with extra money for leisure activities but it should not interfere with your studies. The temporary job agency, called the ”Temp Bank“, offers part time temporary positions at the University.

Living costs in Trondheim

There’s no escaping the reality: living in Norway is expensive. What follows are some descriptions of what you can expect in terms of expenses while you are a student here.

  • Housing: this is going to be your single biggest expense. Even a modest room in someone’s basement can cost NOK 3.000 (about 345 €) a month – and that may not include Internet, heat or electricity. Plan on roughly NOK 4.000 (about 460 €) a month for housing, more if you want more space.

  • Food: another high cost item, food in Norway is generally quite expensive. Plan on about NOK 2.400 (about 280 €) a month, or about NOK 600 a week. Depending on where you come from, this may sound like a lot, but it's not – not in Norway, anyway.

  • Transport: this can be quite variable, but you should plan on at least NOK 500 a month. A 30-day pass on the bus system, AtB, costs NOK 390. There are other options available, listed on the bus webpages. For travel a little farther afield, you can use a regional bus system, Nor-Way, or the national train system, NSB. If you book your train in advance you can get a heavily reduced fare called a minipris.

A non-European student may work part-time for up to 20 hours per week when a work permit is granted. An application for a work permit should usually be accom­panied by a statement from the university confirming that the work will not affect the study progress. A letter from the employer stating that the student has a job offer should also be submitted. Students are normally allowed to work full time during semester breaks. Please note that the university doesn’t have an on-campus student work schemes, and foreign students will have to compete on the regular job market.

Living costs in Torino

Considering accommodation, food, telephone, local travel and leisure costs, you should plan on a monthly budget of EUR 600–EUR 800. More Information on living costs in Torino can be found here.